Thursday, January 7, 2010

Ellen von Unwerth, Fräulein


*doing cartwheels*
It is mine
it's really mine.

Do you guys remember a few months ago when i was like "Santa please give me this riDICK, over-the-top collectors' item for Christmas, puhleeeeeeease!!!" ? Well. Yesterday, Santa answered my outrageous plea. It came in an obnoxiously GIANT BOX. To my doorstep. I had no clue what it could possibly be. And then...

*jaw dropping* NO F*CK**G WAY. Disbelief.

Fräulein. There are only 1500 copies in the whole world! i am #702.

Look, i even took blackberry pix to prove it!

As you might have gathered (from knowing me personally or reading my self-indulgent little blob), i am obsessed with Ellen von Unwerth. Absolutely and utterly in fiendish fixation with her work... the blasts of capricious, reckless color... the sinless & pristine black and white. *SWOON FOREVER, ENDLESS SWOON* It's like a 482page tour of beautiful bombshells (because Ellen doesn't care about girls next door--it's all about the BOMBshells) through the eyes of my fave photographer and it's like a special privilege, it really feels like it. My mum, on the other hand, takes a glimpse and exclaims, "what is this, is this PORnoGRAPHee??!" <-- that's how she pronounces it. POR' noh GRAP' pee. Taschen Books publishing says,
"von Unwerth's photography revels in sexual intrigue, femininity, romance, fetishism, kitsch humor, decadence and sheer joie de vivre. (ahem!--nouns that i adore and could roll around and bask in forever). Whether nude or in lingerie and a dazzling smile, her subjects are never objectified. Some flaunt personal fantasies; others are guarded, suggesting that we have stumbled into a secret world. Fashion and fantasy were never so enchantingly combined. These images were shot over the last 15 years and many are previously unpublished."

And it's mine. It's available Feb 2010 but i have it right now in my arms. How? Because apparently elitism can move mountains. I feel so freaking lucky and honored and blessed and giddy at the same time. You have no idea how special and dear and overwhelming this gift is to me, and i will cherish it forever and ever. Enough saccharine talk. This 4olb work of art is mine!!! My only. My precioussss. MMmm, i feel like eating SUSHI right now...

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